Group Thematic Self Portrait

- 30 Minutes of Self Portrait - Rp. 18.000/Orang, **Minimal 3 Orang** - Free to Choose Background - Free to Choose Property - Free Digital Soft Copy - Free 2 Printed Photo 4R **Harga Normal Rp. 75.000**

Couple Thematic Self Portrait

- 30 Minutes of Self Portrait - **Max 2 Orang** - Free to Choose Background - Free to Choose Property - Free Digital Soft Copy - Free 2 Printed Photo

Graduation / Family / Maternity Package

- 30 Minutes of Photoshoot - **Max 3 People** - 1 Thematic Background - Free 2 Printed Photo - 5 Photo Editing - Photoshoot by Photographer - Free To Choose Property - Free Digital Soft Copy